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Paper Hand Towel Solutions
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Don’t Blow It. Make a Safer Choice by Replacing Air Dryers with Paper Hand Towel Solutions

Remember the days when “customer service” was the keyword in the hospitality industry? Hotels, casinos, and restaurants spent days training staff on the many intricacies involved in ensuring their brand and business was noted for going the extra mile. Now, that same staff is learning the intricacies of hygiene. Making small changes such as replacing air dryers with paper hand towel solutions can make a big difference.

The Seattle Times reported the sad statistic that, at the end of 2020, U.S. hotels neared 1 billion in unsold rooms. That number accounts for approximately $46 billion in lost revenue. As COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing measures begin lifting, hotels and casinos are left to determine how they can attract the consumers that are slowly emerging from lockdown.

Increasing Sanitation Practices

A recent survey revealed that improvement in the sanitation practices at hotels would have a considerable impact on their customers’ comfort level. These practices included face coverings for employees, suspending daily housekeeping, using technology to reduce contact, adding transparent barriers, and signage for washing hands.

In an attempt to increase sanitation practices, some hotels have replaced paper towels with air dryers. Unfortunately, this misguided, though good-intention act, is not recommended by scientists nor appreciated by guests. Did you know that *33% of hospitality users surveyed in North America feel unsafe when entering a restroom with air dryers and *70% of hospitality respondents surveyed agree with the statement “I wish more facilities offered paper hand towels as an alternative to air dryers”.

Let’s look at what the latest reports tell us.

Studies Promote Paper Hand Towels

A study reported in Harvard Health Publishing found that hand dryers in public restrooms draw in bacteria from the air that then falls onto the hands of guests using the dryers.

When Petri dishes were set in bathrooms without the use of hand dryers, one colony of bacteria, at the most, grew on the dishes. When Petri dishes were exposed to air from a hand dryer, up to 254 colonies emerged.

The report concluded that the most hygienic way to wash your hands is using paper hand towels.

Scientific data also reports that jet air dryers can spread up to 10 times more germs in the environment. A study conducted by U.K.-based researchers revealed that paper hand towels were more effective than hand air dryers for removing viruses left behind after hands are washed.

Bacteriophages, a virus that kills bacteria, were applied to participants’ hands before being dried by paper towels or a jet air dryer. Not only did more remain on the hands that used air dryers, but the participant’s clothing also held five times more virus and surfaces carried ten times more. This means that not only can the virus be transferred by the person’s hands, but the jet air dry also increases contamination by blowing the virus around. The researchers’ conclusion, “Paper towels should be the preferred way to dry hands after washing and so reduce the risk of contamination and spread.”

One of the keys to the importance of using paper towels lies in the increased risk of transmitting bacteria when hands are not dried entirely before leaving a restroom. One study found that wet hands can spread up to 1000 times more bacteria than dry hands. Unfortunately, *62% of air dry users say they stop using the device before their hands are completely dry because it takes too long to complete.

Yet another study sprayed participants’ hands with a harmless strain of E.coli. After washing and then drying with either an air dryer or paper towels, researchers determined that dryers removed only 23% of the bacteria while paper towels wiped out *71%. They concluded that the friction caused by drying with paper towels dislodged bacteria from the skin’s surface.

Customers Request Paper Towels

Science has spoken, but what about your guests and their comfort level? According to an international study conducted by United Minds in cooperation with CINT, *70% of respondents wished more facilities offered paper hand towels as an alternative to air dryers, and 75% use these same paper towels to avoid touching other surfaces in the restroom. Surprisingly, *33% said they felt unsafe entering a restroom equipped with air dryers.

The most notable statistic was this: *41% of respondents said they were less likely to go to places that did not offer paper hand towels as a drying alternative. This means that over one-third of consumers may not return if a business does not offer paper towels for hand drying.

Some brands note the increased difficulty in maintaining clean facilities when using paper towels, or the ongoing need to keep them stocked. Checking and refilling put extra pressure and demands on busy staff.

The answer to this issue is the Tork PeakServe® continuous hand towel dispenser. This high-capacity, touch-free hand towel solution is fast and easy to refill and top up, freeing up staff for other activities. Watch this video to see how simple it is to refill.

It’s clear that the pandemic has brought hygiene to the forefront of consumers’ minds. It’s also clear that switching from air dryers to paper towels should be a part of your hygiene procedures. This one simple act can help your guests feel safer and reduce the risk of germ spread.

Hand Towel Solutions

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution. Help your guests feel safer by using Tork PeakServe® Continuous hand towel systems. It’s a hygienic, fast-dispensing, touch-free system that uses 50% compressed bundles to offer the highest capacity on the market, ensuring that hand towels are always available to your guests.

Learn how you can save on safe paper hand towel solutions when you become a Source1 Purchasing member! Contact us today!


2020 April Survey conducted by United Minds in cooperation with CINT using web-panels. The survey covered the US, with a total of 1012 respondents

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How to maximize the s1p program article
Blog PostsCasinosCateringLodgingRestaurants

3 Ways to ‘Level Up’ Your Savings

Our team is always looking for ways to help our members increase savings and utilize all we have to offer at Source1 Purchasing. Here are 3 ways to maximize your membership:

1. Utilize your Program Development Manager

Each member has access to a Source1 Purchasing Program Development Manager (PDM) who serves as the point of contact to a one-stop-shop for supply chain-related solutions. Discuss your goals and needs for the month, quarter, or year, and collaborate with him/her to develop a strategy that works.

Discuss your goals and needs for the month, quarter, or year, and collaborate with him/her to develop a strategy that works.

A Descending Dollar Report is one of the tools your PDM uses to ensure you identify the items or suppliers with which you’re spending the most amount of money. For instance, the program development manager can help you select different toilet paper and sugar packet options. Although your choice of toilet paper outspends sugar packets 20 to one, the impact you see on the bottom line may not be as significant from a return on investment (ROI) perspective. In that case, it could be more beneficial to align on contracted items that offer leveraged pricing and/or rebates for this category.

Another way your PDM can help is by connecting you to suppliers and partners to leverage their expertise.
Suppliers possess invaluable product knowledge that can result in cost savings or in better-quality options. Recently for example, a supplier for trash bags/can liners shared with us that 40 percent of the trash liners purchased today are too heavy or big.

If you look at kitchen trash bags (with the most common sizes being 55 and 33 gallons), there are about 40 different SKUs being purchased of all different sizes just to fill these trash cans. Working with those experts can ensure appropriate choice of bag size and density to deal with the type of waste you’re putting in the can. Purchasing the right one can result in cost savings.

2. Leverage Your Data

Evaluate the second or third distributors that you’ve consistently been using. By sharing your purchasing data with us, we can utilize analytics that will identify where there are contracted opportunities. The data will show whether to buy that exact product from a different truck or to identify a new supplier to handle the same category and quality of the item you’re already buying. Thanks to the Source1 Purchasing program suppliers and distributors, the cost will be at a leveraged rate.

Additionally, for members interested in learning more about our program after regular business hours, visit the Source1 Purchasing online community. All of our supplier programs can be found there along with the categories they cover, overall program benefits, and ways to access those programs — either through your broadline distribution or a supplier you buy from directly.

By sharing your purchasing data with us, we can utilize analytics that will identify where there are
contracted opportunities.

3. Leverage Supplier Relationships

While product quality and price are important, safety is something that may not be at the forefront of members’ minds. There are a lot of programs that certify safety. One of the top ones is Safe Quality Food (SQF) and it has different levels. We work with suppliers by asking them what kind of food safety or product safety certifications they have to ensure the product reaching the end user every day is safe; and, what product recall procedures they have in place, should something happen.

One of Source1 Purchasing’s alliance partners, Fresh Concepts, is able to activate on produce recalls within 45 minutes of getting the first notification and communicating it to the distributors and end users. This quick product recall procedure response shows how Fresh Concepts takes consumer safety seriously.

Take maximum advantage of contracted programs to reduce your costs and add those cost savings straight to the bottom line to improve your margin. Evaluate your products so you have the right mix and quality of ingredients. By raising the quality, sales going through the pipeline increase as does your overall revenue.

At Source1 Purchasing, many of our members are management groups for which we provide custom analytics. We can customize dashboards and update them monthly for management companies that have their own direct deals in place or MDAs with their distributors that allow for incentives like drop size or house brand usage. If you’re an existing member, inquire with your Program Development Manager or, for prospective members, speak with a sales manager.

Take maximum advantage of contracted programs to reduce your costs and add those cost savings straight to the bottom line.

If you’d like to find out more about your Source1 Purchasing solution or maximize your participation, contact us at 888-411-9987.

How are you going to maximize your Source1 Purchasing membership in 2019? Please let us know by commenting, below.

Steve Larkin possesses 15 years of experience in hospitality including the restaurant and food services industries. His culinary background as a chef brings a unique perspective and approach to the business. Currently, he serves as the Director of Purchasing for Source1 Purchasing.


Profit pic_0
Blog PostsCasinosCateringLodgingRestaurants

How to Increase Margins and Revenue Growth

Do you have the desire to increase the bottom line? Or maybe you need to decrease expenses, but don’t know where to start? Here to tell us how to increase margins and revenue growth is Steve Larkin.

Steve possesses 15 years of experience in hospitality including the restaurant and food services industries. His culinary background as a chef brings a unique perspective and approach to the concept of business profitability. Currently, he serves as the Senior Director of Purchasing for Source1 Purchasing.

We talked to Steve about how to increase profit margins and revenue growth and he shared these three tips with us:

1) Reduce Costs

Decreasing costs on items you are already buying directly impacts the bottom line. However, when you increase revenue, there are items such as labor, product, and service costs to consider. Therefore, not all of the revenue influences the bottom line.

In the hotel industry, if you raise room rates $10 to $20, there are other charges, amenities, and disposables to account for in that rate increase. As a result, those costs would not be realized in the bottom line. For restaurants, while it may be tempting to offer a flat menu price reduction, you have to stay consistent to your brand. Customers may get the impression that the food quality has been sacrificed or isn’t worth the price you’re offering it for during regular hours and decide to come instead during a slower time when a discounted price is available.

Earlier in his career as a chef, Steve created seasonal and special menus rather than discounting the entire regular menu. By utilizing these special menus to pique customers’ interests they began to recognize each one had a story to tell. Then, they came back to try other menu items. The identity and branding of each of these menus was consistent without compromising the quality of the food offerings the brand provided.

A few months ago, Source1 Purchasing helped one of its customers increase margins through a cost reduction of thirty-thousand dollars per year by switching from what they were buying to offering a consistent product across all locations.

Steve and the team met with a management group in Ohio and chefs from the company who were conducting a product cutting exercise. They analyzed the top three costly items the group was purchasing, which were bacon, sausage, and French fries. Then, they included the supplier in the discussions about the product to obtain the client’s feedback for each of the different options that would be a fit. They selected three new options that would work for them and a significant cost savings resulted.

2) Utilize Built-in Incentives with Suppliers and Distributors

Take advantage of drop-size discounts, private label incentives, or quick-pay discounts. Inquire with someone in the accounting department about the feasibility of adjusting payment due dates. Instead of having invoices held in a ready-to-pay mode until the due date, during his days as a chef, Steve arranged to pay all invoices with a produce vendor weekly and was able to capture a 1.5 percent discount. These are some viable options to consider for increasing margins.

Rebates worked for Source1 Purchasing customer Wilderness at the Smokies Hotel & Waterpark Resort. Steve explained how the team also conducted vendor price comparisons and the resort could save money on items he was already purchasing from vendors he was already using. Between Q3 and Q4 of 2017, the resort increased overall savings by over 7 percent.

3) Raise the Quality of What You’re Providing to Justify a Price Increase

Stay true to your brand yet don’t be afraid of quality and value. When Steve worked as a chef at the family-friendly restaurant, Crayola Café, health and wellness was increasing in popularity. The team conducted a great deal of research to determine ways they could involve kids more into food selection at the restaurant.

He led the menu revision process which went from traditional American fare (chicken nuggets and French fries) to one that incorporated a healthier, build-your-own-salad component. Kids were engaged in the experience and had fun being a part of the decision-making process. Since a higher quality product was being offered, they were able to raise prices on the entire menu 5 to 10 percent. This is one way to increase revenue.

The Source1 Purchasing Solution

At Source1 Purchasing, we can help you in your quest to increase margins and grow revenue. With no charge for membership, we can supply everything from the parking lot to the roof top. Being a part of our group purchasing program means you’re eligible for pre-negotiated, national account pricing with suppliers.

You can realize discounts on nearly every category that hotels and restaurants already purchase from for food items, operating supplies, equipment, small wares, and services. There’s no long-term contract required and our supply partners collaborate with you to ensure your product mix is the best while maximizing returns.

Are you already a member? If so, make sure you’re optimizing your purchasing program with the tools available within the community Marketplace,, such as the Contract Product Match Report. Steve pointed out the likelihood of items that are available at contract prices that you are currently buying at a higher cost.

There are items you were buying yesterday that you can make better purchasing decisions on today to increase your margins tomorrow. Another valuable resource is the Performance Report. It shows how much you’re spending on contracted items versus your total spend. The idea is to be able to grow that metric. In order to do that, Steve suggested capturing as many discounts, savings and rebate opportunities from the Source1 Purchasing program as possible.

If you are not a member of the Source1 Purchasing Program, let us work with our supplier partners to determine if you’re utilizing the top items and obtaining them at an ideal price. Signing up allows you to tap into our suppliers. Steve reminded us that it often requires a small change from you to venture out and order with someone new. With the possibility of a 7 to 12 percent savings, you have everything to gain including increases in margin and revenue growth.

Contact Us today and get a free purchasing analysis.

Are there any other ways you’ve increased margins and revenue to meet your goals?  How are you going to utilize the tips we’ve shared to help you in 2019? Please let us know by commenting, below.


Purchasing - You Don't Have to Do It Alone
Blog PostsCateringLodgingRestaurants

Purchasing–You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

Owners and operators are hampered by being “small fish” in a big purchasing pond, lacking the collective buying clout required to be able to negotiate the best prices. They’re discovering that “do-it-yourself” procurement is not as simple as they had hoped and are now realizing that they don’t have to do it alone.

A Fresh Take on Purchasing
Blog PostsCasinosCateringRestaurants

A Fresh Take on Purchasing

This combination of unpredictable external factors and evolving customer demands are creating problems for hospitality professionals. Food service operators need to stay aware of consumer preferences and try to source the trending and popular ingredients from local suppliers, all while managing their food budgets in a volatile market with ever-changing commodity prices.

supply chain management
Blog PostsCateringRestaurants

The Benefits of Supply Chain Management for the Food Service Industry

In order to have a competitive advantage over other restaurants, you need to offer high quality goods at the lowest price possible. Supply chain management is necessary to restaurant operators because of this need to minimize product costs and bring order to what too often can be a chaotic business. It is the responsibility of management to ensure that all of the costs of the product life cycle are kept low so the company can offer reduced prices to their customers, resulting in profits. The following are the benefits you can reap by partnering with a strategic supply chain management group focused on cost management.

reduced costs

Food service supply chain management requires identifying the processes that increase cost without increasing the value of the final product. These processes do not add value and should therefore be eliminated.

increased efficiency

Resource consumption leads to increased production costs, which is more often than not the result of improper planning. A company that uses supply chain management can achieve efficiency of its operations since only those value adding actions are encouraged. This ensures that the organization’s processes flow smoothly and output keeps inline with the needs of the company.

increased output

A company that employs supply chain management can develop stronger close relationships with both its suppliers and customers. You will have better alignment of your needs with your selected suppliers, more options, better pricing and timely completion of orders. A company with a well –stocked variety of popular menu options will deliver on their brand promise to their customers, and will grow as a result.

increased profits

One of the best ways to increase a company’s profits is by making sure that costs are kept as low as possible. By embracing and applying strategic restaurant supply chain management to your operations, you are able to reduce costs because you are getting rid of wasteful processes. Since these are operating costs for the company, the savings on these costs reflect increased profits for the company.

Food service supply chain management can help you transform a traditional linear supply chain into an adaptive network, providing you with increased visibility into the supply chain so you can sense and respond quickly to changes and quickly capitalize on new opportunities. Moreover, you can lower operational expenses with opportune planning for procurement, manufacturing and transportation. Better product, ordering process, and execution tracking can lead to improvements in performance and quality, resulting in lower costs.

Source1 Purchasing is a leading strategic sourcing group focused on cost management, savings and operational efficiency for the lodging, restaurant and food service industries.


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LodgingProcurement Services CompaniesRestaurants

The Importance of Uniforms in the Hospitality Industry

Deciding whether or not to have your staff wear uniforms could be something that you’ve gone back and forth on for a while. Whether or not your staff is currently wearing uniforms, we have some reasons to explain why it’s a good practice to implement and maintain in the hospitality industry.

If your business is looking for the right procurement services company to get the products you need, then be sure to contact Source1 Purchasing to get started. From a free supply-chain analysis to creating a program for your specific needs, we offer buying that you can believe in. Get started today!

Promote a Positive Image

If there is a specific image, color, or logo that represents your brand, then providing uniforms that capture this will help to promote a positive image. The more that your customers see your brand, the more likely they are to develop positive feelings and begin to feel a sense of loyalty. In fact, they may not be aware of how often they are seeing your brand, as many of the details will be recorded by the subconscious. This will benefit you in the long-term when they recall how much they like your business, even if they can’t recall specific reasons why. Simple features and a clean look aid in promoting the positive image that your brand needs.

Help Customers Identify Staff

Whether a customer has walked into your lobby, bar, or restaurant, they are likely going to search for a staff member who can assist them. The easier it is for them to identify your staff, the more it will help provide a better customer experience. Customer satisfaction is key to obtaining their recurring patronage as well as positive word-of-mouth. If your employees don’t wear uniforms, then your customers may be at a loss to identify who can help them, which can lead to feelings of frustration and irritation. Providing a great and consistent customer experience is a major goal of all hotel operators as it will drive repeat visitors and quality reviews.

Improve Customer Service

Help your customers avoid frustration by improving customer service with consistent branding in your uniforms. The more recognizable your staff is, the easier your customers will be able to identify who can help them, which will potentially reduce the time it takes for them to receive service. An additional benefit for you is that when your staff wear uniforms, they are likely to be more conscious of their actions and attitudes whether they are actively serving customers or not. Should you choose to add a name tag to the uniform, you could also create a more personalized experience for your customers.

Health and Safety

There are a number of uniform items that can provide health and safety benefits for your employees. Whether it’s a kitchen uniform that protects employees from the equipment, heat, and chemicals, or non-slip safety shoes, aprons, and gloves, there are a number of items that you can provide your employees when uniforms are a priority at your business. Boost your employees’ morale and loyalty to your company by providing the uniform items they need to be safe and provide ideal customer service.

Boost Confidence in Your Brand

Depending on the atmosphere and experience that you wish to create for your customers, a well-chosen uniform can help to create brand consistency. For example, a traditional chef coat and black pants can convey a professional yet laid-back atmosphere for customers. Black pants paired with a white chef coat or other solid color help to create a more fashionable atmosphere. Boost confidence in your brand by choosing uniforms that elicit the feelings you want your customers to experience and make sure that your uniforms are consistent with your brand. 

If you are in the hospitality industry, then you know that there are a wide variety of items that you need to keep things running smoothly on a day-to-day basis. At Source1 Purchasing, we want to be your go-to procurement service company. From providing you with a free supply-chain analysis to leveraging our purchasing power for your benefit, we are your Top Rated® Local Procurement Solution. Get started today!

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3 Ways to Improve Retention in 10 Minutes

Written by Chris Butsch

As a leader, you’re probably already aware of the countless ways to improve your culture and inspire loyalty. But who has the time? As a friend and director of purchasing recently put it: “How am I supposed to build a great culture when I don’t even have time for lunch?”

Luckily, small tweaks can make a big difference in employee retention rate. To create a culture of retention, you don’t need to hire a resident yoga instructor named Artesia, or pay to send your whole team to learn fire-walking in Bali. Rather, by applying some clever positive psychology, you can improve your culture and boost retention in 10 minutes or less. Here are three ways to increase employee retention:

1. Show Some Extra Gratitude

According to the World Health Organization, burnout occurs when effort outstrips reward, relaxation, and recognition (source). So to keep your best people, you need to give them more money, more time off, or curiously, more thanks.  Will saying “thank you” really make a difference? Researchers from Harvard and Wharton found that when employees of a fundraiser were simply thanked for their hard work, their outward call volume increased by 50%. The researchers also found that when thanked, people are twice as likely to offer help to a colleague (source).

Gratitude releases a cocktail of neurochemicals increasing emotional intelligence and reversing stress (source). When you thank an employee, you’re giving them an espresso shot of joy and motivation. So to reap the benefits, consider starting your next meeting sharing 5-10 minutes of sincere gratitude for your employees. In your expressions of gratitude, be sure to use “because” to illustrate impact. For example: “Melissa; I sincerely appreciate how you took initiative to reach out to our upset client because you alone might’ve saved the account!”

2. Start Meetings with Deep Breathing

Purchasing demands lead to stress, stress leads to burnout, and burnout leads to turnover. Demands are inevitable, but you can prevent your best employees from burning out by helping them nip stress in the bud. Luckily, one of the most effective ways known to science takes just 2 minutes. When stressed, you subconsciously take short, shallow breaths. Problem is, “thoracic breathing” for hours doesn’t provide your brain with enough oxygen; performance suffers, and stress increases.

Help your team break the cycle with 2 minutes of deep breathing. When you deliberately fill your lungs with air, oxygen and nutrients rush to the brain, increasing performance, creativity, and calm. Furthermore, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have found that consistent deep breathing practice helps permanently improve calm and productivity (source).

To reduce your team’s stress, try starting your next meeting by asking everyone to perform ten deep breaths from the abdomen; 4 seconds in, 4 second hold, 4 seconds out. Watch how stress melts away; did you notice a difference in the mood and tempo of the meeting?

3. Share Your “Why”

Millennials are the canaries of the corporate coal mine; if something’s “off”, they’re generally the first to go. As a result, the ability to retain top young talent is a hallmark of a strong culture.

So what’s missing?

According to the Deloitte Millennial Survey, in most organizations it’s a sense of purpose. “Millennials believe a business’ sense of purpose should be far greater than is currently the case.” (source). Retention is achieved “when employers demonstrate a strong sense of company purpose beyond financial success.” You may think purpose is easy to cultivate when you’re saving the rainforest or performing open-heart surgery. But how do you cultivate purpose in the purchasing world, and moreover, how do you do it in less than 10 minutes?

Ask yourself: who do we help? How do we help them? What suppliers, manufacturers, or patrons’ lives are improved by our work? How can I share their story with my employees? A 10-minute story via email or during a meeting illustrating how your team’s work impacted the greater good is an essential ingredient in a positive work culture. Find a way to share your “why” with your team and you’ll be giving them a zero-cost, high-ROI driver to stay loyal and hardworking.

In Summary

In an ideal world, you’d have countless hours to devote to improving work culture, employee engagement, and retention. In the high-stress reality of purchasing, however, spare time is measured in minutes. But if you can fill those cracks in the calendar with gratitude, purpose, and a few minutes of deep breathing, you’ll quickly improve company culture and inspire your best people to continue happily working hard for you.


Chris Butsch is a professional speaker and business author helping companies slash disengagement and turnover by keeping their best people happy.


Why a Purchasing Partner is the Best Choice for a Small Restaurant

Why a Purchasing Partner is the Best Choice for a Small Restaurant

Many consumers are dining less and less at large chains and are instead opting to support independent local restaurants. Despite this shift, running a small restaurant comes with its own unique challenges. Keeping overhead at a manageable level can be difficult for these businesses. The unfortunate truth is that even the most popular restaurant in the neighborhood might still struggle to turn a profit. For that reason, signing with a purchasing partner might be a small restaurant’s best chance at success.

One area where many small restaurants struggle is sourcing inventory at reasonable prices. Because they are not able to make high-volume purchases, independent restaurants often end up paying a premium for their food and other hospitality supplies. Partnering with a Purchasing Services Organization (PSO) can help independent restaurants compete with larger chains in this area. Source1 Purchasing specializes negotiating the best pricing for restaurants, regardless of their size. By joining our purchasing group, a restaurant benefits from the combined buying power of every business in the group.

Often in small restaurants, staff members are required to wear many hats. Chefs often have to serve as purchasing managers. The time a chef spends managing suppliers would be better served managing their kitchen. Utilizing a purchasing partner is like adding an entire supply chain management team to your staff. Source1 Purchasing not only monitors and negotiates supplier pricing but can manage supplier service and quality standards as well. This frees up chefs and other key staff members to focus on creating a memorable dining experience for their customers.

Although independent restaurants may not have the same buying power as large chains, that does not mean they should settle for sub-par service. Aligning with a purchasing partner gives independent restaurants the same clout as their larger counterparts. As a member of a buying group, a business can count on receiving priority service from all their suppliers. Source1 Purchasing conducts thorough supplier evaluations to ensure that all suppliers provide consistent, reliable service.

Is your restaurant ready to benefit from the collective buying power and quality of service that comes with joining a PSO? Take the next steps towards a more stable supply chain and cost-effective purchasing. Contact Source1 Purchasing for a free supply chain analysis today. We are typically able to identify savings of 9% on your food and beverage products.

What’s Next for the Greek Yogurt Trend

The Future of the Greek Yogurt Trend

The Greek yogurt market has seen incredible growth in the past few years and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. People are drawn to Greek yogurt for its unique texture and health benefits. Like traditional yogurt, it is available in a wide variety of flavors as well as plain. The plain version is a popular addition to savory recipes like marinades, dips, and dressings. It’s no wonder this versatile product has become a staple in many consumers’ kitchens.

Greek yogurt is popular amongst health-conscious consumers because it’s low in carbohydrates, packed with probiotics, and rich in protein. Protein helps you stay full longer, which is one of the reasons why Greek yogurt is a common staple for dieters. And because it comes in a variety of flavors, it can serve as a healthy replacement for pastries and other sweets.

Perhaps the most appealing thing about Greek yogurt is its portability. Grab-and-go items are incredibly popular, especially amongst millennials. Hotels and other businesses in the hospitality industry are working to meet the increased demand for more portable food choices. Many have turned to the Greek yogurt trend as a way to offer their customers with a healthy, satisfying meal or snack that they can take with them as they go about their day.

Chobani was largely responsible for popularizing Greek yogurt in the United States. Today, the company continues to produce new variations of their popular product to meet the demands of the ever-growing culture of convenience. Some popular options include Greek yogurt-based smoothies and products made specifically for children. Based on their latest product releases, it’s clear that snacking is going to be the next big trend in the Greek yogurt market.

“As the No. 1-selling Greek Yogurt in the U.S., Chobani’s mission is to provide better food for more people by making affordable, nutritious, delicious yogurt with only natural ingredients. We’ve spent the last decade reshaping the dairy aisle and we continue to push the yogurt category forward with market-leading innovation.” -Alaynah  Tombridge, Corporate Affairs Manager at Chobani

To learn more about how Source1 Purchasing can help you secure preferred pricing from Chobani and quality suppliers, contact us today for your free supply chain analysis.